Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Simien Mountains

We departed from Gondar around 06h30 to do the 100km to Debark so that we could have a full day in the mountains. Our plan worked, we paid the Bir 200 entrance fee plus Bir 150 for an armed Scout. His job is to protect the environment from tourists and tourists from .... ??? Not sure !
The Simien Mountain Reserve starts about 20 km from Debark and continues along a rough road for another 40 km to Cheneke Camp site at an altitude of 3 620 meters so Mog had to work quite hard. When the engine temperature gets over 90 degrees c we turn on the heater to assist with cooling. It works ! You can continue beyond Chennek to an altitude of just over 4 000 meters but we felt Mog had worked hard enough so we turned around. On our trip we saw a lot of Gelada Baboons and 3 Ibex. The Geladas do not fear humans and are not aggressive so you can get to within a meter or two of them. Quite different to our Baboons.
Tonight we are camping in the Simien Park Hotel car park hehehe it is lekker and inexpensive. Nothing like home from home.
Tomorrow we head for Axum. My axle repair seems fine. It leaks a little oil but I add a bit every second day, this is what Willem would do.
Today was the first day of cold weather in the mountains.

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