Thursday, 28 January 2016

Last few days in Ethiopia .

We had a lovely stay in the Bale Mountain Lodge then headed out after breakfast for what we knew was two full days of dirt road. We travelled through the very beautiful and untouched Harenna Forrest which is part of the Bale Mountains national park. We spotted a few Bale mountain monkeys moving around in the tree canopy above. At the edge of the National park we stopped at a community project, set up by the Frankfurt Zoological Society, harvesting wild coffee. We were their very first customers. We were their Guinea pigs 😊. We were treated to a coffee ceremony, bought wild coffee that was roasted there and then for us to take home and also bought organic honey that is farmed, by the local people, in the forest. After our little distraction we hit the long dusty road eastwards. After 240 km of difficult dirt road we finally arrived at the Hotel Giriini (green) in Negele Borena. What a dump ! We continued to sleep in the Mog renting a room for $5 p/p. The next morning Tom decided it was time to rotate tyres πŸ˜–πŸ˜©, found some kind of place and with the help of the locals proceeded to do so. Half an hour later we were on our way. 7,5 hours of non stop driving on a dirt road varying between potholes, corrugations and washed away bridges we finally made it to Yabello, rented a room again this time for $15 and slept in Mog. This morning easy 200 km drive to to border and then another 350 km to Marsabit. Camping in Kenya tonight πŸ˜€
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